wedding bouquet

A Vineyard Elopement featured on Grey Likes Weddings

I am always in awe of people who see the world in a different way than I do .

Bridal Bouquet Alternatives

Back in January, I blogged about these exquisite bridal bouquets made out of vintage brooches designed by Fantasy Floral Design.

Photo: Alice Hu Photography

I've been seeing the trend of substituting fresh floral bouquets (please don't hate me florists because I still love you) for something unique and longer lasting.  Besides those brooch bouquets, here are some other cute ideas.

Bouquet made from water lily brooches, handmade ribbon water lily flower, cultured pearls and sparkling rhinestones, sea shells, and swarovski glass pearls from Etsy shop: Hair Bows Wonderworld

Button bouquet from Etsy shop: reallybadkitty

Felt Flower Bouquet: Princess Lasertron

Butterfly Bouquet from Etsy shop: idotakeu

Feather Bouquet From Etsy shop: Croska

Bridal bouquet made from recycled buttons, brooches, beads, pearls and Swarovski crystals: from Etsy shop Bouquet Buttons

Peacock feather bouquet from Etsy shop:  du plume


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