Green Orchid Events News!

Las Vegas Wedding Planners

Las Vegas Wedding Planners

Allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is Angelica McDonnell and I am the OWNER of Green Orchid Events! I started with Green Orchid Events 8 years ago when the company had just started and grew to be the Senior Event Manager. I am excited, nervous, and of course a tad bit scared! WHY? Great question! I was terrified of being an owner and it is something I avoided for years. Change scares me, but I know growth is important. Juliet who owned Green Orchid Events, decided to step away from weddings completely and continue her current position at Fleming's Steakhouse in Town Square as their Private Dining Director. Please go visit her and their Fleming's Potatoes are a must! I can't thank her enough for having faith in me from day one. She took me in when I had no experience and I learned SO much while working under her leadership. We had the best time doing weddings together and of course we had our "you are annoying me" moments like any true friendship. When she presented me with this opportunity, I knew I had to take it. I will admit there were a few tears as I am going to miss working with her terribly. I am still in love with weddings and they are a true passion of mine so taking on the company was an easy decision. Luckily, Juliet and I are still the greatest of friends who talk constantly and you will most likely catch us out together on a foodie adventure.

I plan on keeping the name as it is established and I still believe in the brand and what Green Orchid Events stands for. I am looking forward to a fantastic 2016 wedding season with wonderful weddings coming up! I am beyond blessed to work with such an amazing wedding community. Your support and positive words have meant the world to me and we could not plan the weddings we do without you! If we have not met yet, that needs to change! Chatting about life over coffee is my fave.



Cheers to the future, love, and being a boss!

Fun Facts •Has gone skydiving and wanted to go again the second she landed •Firm believer in girls night •Thinks sushi, wine, and dancing are the cures for a bad day •Has a Down Syndrome brother who makes the world go round •Her favorite holiday is Cinco De Mayo, the day her daughter was born •Bucket list item: Eat her way through Italy •In her 30's and still adores Hello kitty •Her idea of a shopping spree is from her bed on Amazon. Thank you, Amazon Prime! •Favorite scent is Gardenia •Sees John Legend in concert every time he is in town •Agrees with The Beatles that "Love is all you need" •Loves visiting mom and pop coffee shops •If she had to be on a reality TV show, it would be Dancing with the Stars •Being with family is her happy place

